Corporate Information

IT Solutions Distributor

Not only does Networld distribute the necessary products
for building an information and communications technology infrastructure for all types of businesses,
we also retain a number of technicians, as well as offer solutions with the most cutting-edge products,
creating a strong technical base for your business.
Networld- a unique company that offers a variety of products, along with highly-useful value added services.

Business Focus Areas

Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud computing is now becoming established as the 3rd platform following the mainframe and client/serversystem. An ideal system for companies is a hybrid type that makes well-balanced use of various cloud servicesand on-premise systems. Networld proposes a cloud environment suitable to the user’ s environment, togetherwith a cloud service provider offering services in Japan.

Data Center Converged System

This is the core solution in Networld’ s business model of "Converged Solutions Distributor." The “integrated(converged) infrastructure,” which is provided with a device configuration in which Best of Breed as well asworld-class servers, storage and networks are already operation verified, achieves implementation within a shortamount of time while maintaining high reliability and stability. Networld will support the speedy managementof data centers and enterprises.

Data Center Network

The trend of virtualization has entered into an era of remarkable technological innovation in which virtualizationspreads from servers to storage and then to networks. However, data centers and companies operatinglarge-scale networks are now faced with the challenge of carrying out efficient integrated management of theseincreasingly complex networks. Networld has been at the forefront of providing a new type of network technology,such as network virtualization platforms and Software-Defined Network (SDN) products as well aswhite-box switches, and is taking on the challenge of automating the data center operation itself.

Data Center Storage

New technologies such as virtualization and flash devices have been significantly changing storage. The basictask of protecting important data is gaining increasing importance in terms of data centers.On the other hand, itis also a fact that storages that are required to operate efficiently and expand economically at the same time asdramatically improving performance are becoming ever more complex every day. At Networld, we have a lineupof a variety of products from entry models to high-end models that have diverse functions so that we can proposethe best solution to our customers, and we provide it together with thorough customer support.

Mobile Working & Virtual Desktop

The wave of work style transformation that realizes "anytime, anywhere and in the style of choice" is steadilygaining recognition. The introduction of mobile working is a crucial solution that leads to corporate strategiessuch as the improvement of productivity and quick decision making. In such circumstances, it is no exaggerationto say that building a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), which virtualizes the day-to-day desktop environment,is the key to guiding these strategies to success. At Networld, we link products from Japan and overseasthat feature unique and advanced technologies, and we provide the know-how for realizing a constantly comfortablemobile working environment.

Business Continuity and Disaster Response

Creating a robust IT environment that supports the business continuity plan (BCP), which is a reliablemeasure in order not to stop the business, and prepares for the event of unexpected disasters is an essentialchallenge for all companies. We ensure high reliability and high availability not only through the streamliningof business, spanning from the operation and management of the day-to-day system to back-up, but also throughreplication technologies between multiple locations in case of disaster.


Pre-Integration Center (PIC)

"PIC" is a technical assistance facility for the prior verificationand construction of equipment to be introduced at customer sites before shipment.PIC helps realize an efficient and reliable system implementationthat will relieve customers from the trouble of securing time and space for implementation work.

  • Pre-Integration
  • Verification
  • Technical Support

Integrated System Verif ication Center "GARAGE"

GARAGE is a center for carrying out all requisite verifications before introducing a system.It is equipped with the latest solutions,such as various virtualization software, server, storage, and networks.With GARAGE, we make it possible to reduce the timeit takes to introduce a new system with a quick verification,and keeping on hand all of the latest equipment necessaryfor introduction of the latest technology.

  • Multi-vendor solution verification service
  • Hands-on cloud service
  • Solution DEMO experience service

Professional Service

We provide consulting service using staff with a vast knowledge base of networkand systems infrastructure, who can offer advices on how to smoothly and effectivelybuild a solid information and communications technology environment.Our wide variety of services also include integration using the latest technology,as well as product introduction verification in our verification center.

Support Services

We offer support services that function 24/7,all to ensure stable operation of your systems and to quickly and effectively answer your questionsabout the wide variety of products in a multi-vendor environment.We always work hard to improve the availability of your systemand provide support for optimum performance.

Professional Training

To create the best information and communicationstechnolog y environment for your business,we offer technician training.Training is provided at the educational center,by certified instructors who explain each topic in detail.By taking part in the certification course, participants will acquire dedicated andinvaluable knowledge from world-class vendors with which we have an alliance,useful in practical work situations.

E-marketing service

PAS-World is a powerful ally for our partners’ business needs.It provides real-time information on products,and is a speedy e-marketing service that generates estimates,and allows you to check orders, delivery responses, and shipping status.

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